
Sunday, March 02, 2008

downward spiral

i walked the short distance from the car to the apartment and i counted 10 crushed snails on the ground, and i don't know what's up with me and snails but it hurts to see them die under the ruthless footsteps of humans who probably didn't even know they took away an innocent life. maybe i should start moving all the snails to the side every time i see them. Sheena got one from me, she's keeping Soto safe from the brutal world - in her drawer, sound asleep now i think. lucky Soto. :)

went for groceries shopping at an asian market, and they have people pack our stuff into plastic bags. they use it so lavishly as if those plastic bags are made out of thin air. subconsciously i felt guilty for taking those plastic bags home, because i feel i'm contributing to the pollution that's already bad enough and will only go downhill. and sometimes when i look up at the sky at night, i think of disneyland's fireworks, and despite them claiming that they're using a new pyrotechnics system that will reduce negative environmental impacts, i still feel it's not gonna help much. i don't even wanna think of how much trash is being thrown away in the world every single day, or how much food is wasted every day whilst someone's dying of starvation every second of every day.

election in malaysia is in 7 days' time. seems that there's a lot of talk about voting for the opposition party, and if there's anytime at all in malaysia's history that the opposition party is gaining more momentum than ever, it should be now. maybe it's because people are more aware of the crisis that's getting worse, or perhaps it's because they're sick of the same old shit repeating itself - year after year of empty promises and mediocre governing that's stalling us, which relatively speaking, is pushing us backward. a small portion of people are happy with the way it is (and it's only 'cause they're getting the bigger piece of the pie), then there are the whiners who'd rather not do anything about it. but most people don't quite like the situation right now, yet they convince themselves it's better than nothing, and so they'd rather want things to stay the way it is than push for any change at all - even if it's for the better. and of course, there's the people who remove themselves from all of these and (or aspire to) run away to other places and avoid everything altogether.

so they say, hey, look, do you think voting for the opposition is gonna change anything? do you think we, the minorities, are ever gonna get anywhere fighting for our rights in this country? do you think change is really ever gonna happen? we'd be better off sticking to the current governing party because even if we're not getting what we want, at least we're given a little 'teasers' when every election approaches. and it's better than nothing, really, practically speaking. it shows that they actually care enough to 'buy' our votes! imagine one day when they don't care anymore? we won't even get any teasers, and then what would happen next? happiness and justice and liberal lifestyle and equality and transparency? who are we kidding.

really? really? if everyone thinks that way, then how can we ever improve or move forward? i'm exasperated knowing that there are so many people out there who can make a change yet refused to do so because they set their minds to think that it won't make a difference and it's all just a waste of time. america didn't get to this point in 50 years, in fact it took them, what, 200 years to earn the equality and their civil rights. if they were merely thankful for what they've got without fighting for what they believed in, this country wouldn't be where it is today. so what makes my fellow cynical pessimistic countrymen think that we shouldn't fight for it just because we can't see what lies ahead in the future beyond our lifetime?

yeah and then there will be those who think that here's a young naive inexperience know-nothing girl speaking, ever so ambitiously, so full of hope. Pity her, they say, for one day she will wake up and realize it's all just a beautiful dream, and her hopes and zest would be sucked out of her as she gets disappointed in life time and again. well maybe they're right. but i stand true to my beliefs. i'd rather live my life knowing that at least i did my part rather than be a spectator. is malaysia downward spiraling? her fate lies in the hands of her people.


Anonymous said...

a change would have to start from the very basis of our political system. for all we claim ourselves as being democratic, we are most certainly definitely 100% not democratic. if we are not even assured our rights to vote and democracy is not guaranteed, people lose faith in the point of voting at all.

the whole political system, basing on race is wrong. even the US has never encountered this kind of political predicament in the past. all they were facing was whether to give voting rights to the people or color or not to. and when they finally did give the minorities voting rights, their political system is almost flawless because it is NOT based on race.

such are the lessons that our "illegitimate" or mediocre, as you put it, govt have to learn. i know you are saying to not give up hope and to hope for change. yes, it would take time but what kind of change are you suggesting here? like we discussed the other day? changing mindsets? i most definitely agree that that is the first step. but you know, the whole root of the problem is the system. they would have to eventually revamp it for any real change to happen.

one more thing, some people although not voting, it does not mean that they do not care or is not hoping for any change. the problem again lies in the illegitimacy of our govt. if voting cannot guarantee progress or improvements, or there might even be the chance that our votes can cause us to go backwards, then why vote? that being said, i just got bombarded for not registering to vote... haha and they had their reasons too. tell you next time because don't know if it's appropriate here.. hahaha

Brandon Tan said...

hmm.... so was that why u wanted to give me a snail??

Anonymous said...

Do you know that if you go to Terengganu to vote for Barisan, they'd pay you RM 80?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I heard of that one too..

Apparently BN's going to rural areas and randomly giving out 50 bucks to earn people's votes.

And the money they are giving out are taxpayer's money!! Our money they use to buy votes!

taleanski said...

brandon: giving you a snail is purely out of my quirkiness and randomness. :P

hwa: its true over here is way better than it is in msia, but to say that their political system is not based on race is not right either, becuz to a certain extent it is too. racism is everywhere and its just inevitable. what msia needs is of course a reformation at the top level (as in the goverment) but that is almost impossible. so change has to come from the bottom. its not gonna be easy either, but at least its more possible than expecting ppl up there to change for us. anyway, we shall discuss this over coffee or smthg. heh. ttyl!

chean: RM80!!? really? omg can we go there and vote too? we'll tell them we're voting for BN but we'll secretly vote for rocket! or anythg else! :P

Brandon Tan said...

They can pay me my return air fare and serve me some asam laksa from penang and I'll vote for them! Shd ask Koh Tsu Koon to do that for me. =P