
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

tulips and spiders

so the other day on valentine's day my housemate received some tulips from this guy. and on the same day (or was it?) my other housemate and my roommie won some plastic spiders from this old-school videogame arcade (remember the street fighter's game that you used to play once upon a time.. eons ago) of which they were super-proud of (haha sooo funny). :D

anyway, i digress. i just wanted to mention that darling jessoms decided to hook the spider rings onto the tulip leaves which IMHO was very imaginative and refreshing. 'twas the first thing i saw when i woke up the next day and it made me smile :) and i like smiling in the mornings cuz it feels as if the rest of the day is gonna be great (whether it went well later on is another story :P).

on a side note, i continue to puzzle over why i always have the inspiration to blog at the weirdest time. for example, when i'm having a conversation with someone at random places i.e. public restroom, coffeeshop, in the shuttle to campus, hospital; when i'm driving; when i'm walking into a stinking room that reminded me of dead bodies (the BIO 451 classroom). when i see the man-cow hybrid picture/drawing at City of Hope in the lobby outside their T-cell research lab. or when i'm showering (the place by far that my best and/or quirkiest ideas bobbed up); or when i'm having a lab report due in a few hours' time. -_-

so tell me, how can i pen down the thoughts when i'm in those situations?! and hence i could never capture the ideas that dissipated into thin air, like how you could never capture smoke . maybe i should carry a voice recorder wherever i go. :)

elections in malaysia coming up - 8th march, the people from MSDLA (Malaysian Students' Department in LA) said we could register through their website and vote. bullshit. can't find the link at all. one of these days when i'm not so tied up with all the schoolwork i have to do, i'm gonna sit my ass down and write bout my beloved country's many issues. (but then again, when am i not busy with the workload. blehh.) pssshh. anyhow, i'm gonna try to contact them and ask if we could vote.

as for the presidential race here in the States, i say, go obama! :)

1 comment:

Jun said...

i'm putting my money on obama :) thx for the condolences dear zhen. it's hard, but no one said life was a smooth cruise.