
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Merdeka Day

Many people I know or just strangers I've spoken to talked about their discontent of this country, and expressed wishes to leave the country for a better life elsewhere. Whilst I can understand that sentiment, I think there are other options to react to the feeling of dissatisfaction and to have a better life here without having to leave the country. Instead of complaining and whining about everything that's wrong with this country, why not do something about it? Yes there are things that we have no control over, and we can't change everything overnight or hope to see results in a short period of time. Changes will take time, but it has to start somewhere, no? If everyone decides to leave Malaysia, then who is going to fight for her? If everyone has the same mentality, and those who have the luxury of choice to leave chose to flock away to greener pastures, then eventually, those left behind are either doing so reluctantly only because they didn't have a choice, or because they are in power and can still benefit from the country's resources… until when everything is milked dry, then they too will be gone. That would be a tragedy for this country, and we can expect Malaysia to cease to exist in the foreseeable future. Fortunately, there are still many who despite having a better life outside of Malaysia, chose to return to the homeland with the intention to serve the country or to contribute in whatever ways they can. It is the latter who inspired me to feel the same, and to want to do the same for my tanah air.

I write this not to criticize anyone of their choices, but to encourage conversations or open discussions regarding this. I didn't always feel the same way (previously I was more indifferent about this); it was through conversations and being a third-party observer of such dialogues that slowly changed my mind. And so on this day, I just wanted to write a short note to urge those who are reading this to perhaps think about what Merdeka means to you, what/how Malaysia would be like if we were still under British colonization, and if we'd be better or worse off. In fact, here's another more probing question to some, and one I've always asked myself- for all the good things, the love, happiness and peace that we have encountered in the years that we've been here, wouldn't it be fair to ask for us to give a little something back? 

A country is only as good as its denizens want it to be (and then work towards it of course). Happy Merdeka to all. Wherever you are, stay safe! 

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