
Monday, May 03, 2010

FD Day 5: Coping Mechanism

No one says it's going to be easy. And it's not. 8 hours before deadline, and 80% more to complete my paper. Oh the stress!
 But fear not! Here's my coping mechanism! You can't bring me down, Stress! YOU are going down! I'll finish writing this paper no matter what.

The food list for yesterday:
- bryani rice leftover, 2 cookies
- an apple, mocha lite Starbucks coffee
- apple cinnamon fruit crisps
- 2 slices of bread, with cheese
- fried bee hoon (vermicelli noodles), coffee
- cheetos (flamin' hot!), coffee biscuits
- marmite soup with broccoli, corn & 3 dumplings

On a side note, I have a terrible sore throat right now, and I shall only eat only baby food until it gets better. Yesterday though, my adamant self thought I was invincible - a theory evidently refuted - hence ate a whole lot of dry and spicy junk food, causing the throat to suffer. -___-  Sigh, why do people always do things they'll regret later?

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