there are institutions (note: i'm not referring to the above Lap Band program) that offer surgical procedures to shrink your stomach so you'll eat very very little, and eventually shred pounds because you can't stomach your food even if you want to, and so you'd inevitably burn more than you consume. it makes sense, to a certain extent, except - i can't wrap my head around it... whyyyyy would anyone want to deny themselves from good food??! to me, that idea seems to be a terribly depressing one, to deny self one of the pleasures on earth, just to look good. i could go on ranting about this illogical notion, but i won't go into it this time. :P anyway. as a reminder to self, eating well is the key to good health, not starving or shrinking stomach. hence the title. :)
here's my list of food i consumed yesterday:
- oatmeal with milk and a spoonful of nutella
- Gelusil antacid
- marmite soup w broccoli, 3 dumplings
- 1 Reese's piece
- Milo
- popcorn
- cheetos, wheat thins
- subway sandwich veggie delite
- 2 choc chip cookies, coffee
some Marmite goodness :)
what about you, are you eating well?
um, oatmeal with nutella?? really?? how???
(note that rite after this i saw that u had gelusil, lol!)
No really! You should try it! It's heavenly. :)) Just cook your oatmeal with milk (I microwave it, but you can definitely do it the old-fashioned way), and then add nutella to your own taste into it after it's done. Stir well and serve. It's just like having choc syrup in your oatmeal. Try putting a whole choc chip cookie in your oatmeal too! That's even better! ;)
Oh and btw,
The gelusil was for my gastric pain. I thought I could survive the night (at work) without eating, but obviously the plan back fired. -__- plus, i was extremely stressed that night too. so that must've contributed to the increased secretion of gastric juice in my stomach! :P
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