
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When The Clock Strikes Twelve

at the far corner of the room sits a desk, and on that desk lies a stack of books waiting to be read, a stack of magazines collecting dust (and of which i desperately need to pore into before i return them to the owner), bills that would eventually burn a hole in my pocket, a list of errands that need to be taken care of, and a long list of friends i need to catch up with.

life always has a way of sucking us into a routine that makes us forget this is really not what life's all about. why do we allow ourselves be bogged down by responsibilities that we seemed to claim unavoidable? see, the cycle starts as soon as we graduate from college. the cycle known as the rat race. allow me to show you the sneak preview of what-would-most-likely-be the depiction of our future. (well, the majority of us anyway. the rich and famous don't count. nor do the extreme poor.) So here goes:

- if we're lucky, we had our parents pay for our school, else there's the school loan to pay back;
- we tell ourselves we can't live without the internet, and the mobile phone - which translate into bills;
- we need a car to move around - more bills;
- we need a shelter, so if we can't afford a house we need to rent a room/apartment;
- if we could afford a house, get it! worry about the payment later;
- we tell ourselves, owning a house is better than letting a room because it's an asset;
- little did we know what we thought was an asset is in fact a liability, but that's to be worried later.
- oh and then it's time to settle down and have a family.
- gotta save money to get married: buy an overpriced rock made of carbon, throw a decent memorable ceremony;
- allocate some more $$$ for renovation of the house, and not to forget honeymoon!!
- ok now that all that's done the savings went down to zero again.
- and we start the cycle of saving again - this time for the kids.
- and of course, our parents' medical bills etc.
- the idea of having mini-versions of us running around seem to excite us.
- that is, until they are born.
- then we question ourselves, oh dear god, what have i got myself into!?
- but of course, there's no turning back; it's a one-way street;
- so alas, we spend the rest of our lifetime slaving for our offsprings.
- the end.


wait. so that's it? that can't be it!! there has to be more, no?! whatever happened to our dreams of travelling the world? write a book? make a movie? make millions? make a difference? hmmm i guess those can only be itsy bitsy pieces of conversations served on a silver platter to marvel ourselves over tea with old chums, whilst watching Travel Discovery Channel together.

there are many ways of viewing life. neither one is truer than the other. fact is, we choose our own life, our path. we make decisions, hence for better or worse we'll have to live with it. life is too short to have regrets over the things that we didn't do, just because of a certain idea we had in mind that compelled us to adhere to. i always thought that, being the oldest in the family i have certain responsibilities that i should bear. but Dad told me otherwise. he said, he didn't bring me up to be a puppet of the social stigma. on the contrary, he invested in my education so that i can be an independent thinker, one who's equipped and self-sufficient to survive the world and to live life to the fullest. (ok well he didn't exactly said those stuff, i improvised a little, but that's the general idea :P).

i guess what i'm trying to say is, there is no blueprint of how to live our lives. in many ways, i'm a dreamer, an ambitious one at that. there's too many things i want to accomplish in this lifetime, and i probably won't get to all of them. i know it very well, but i assure you i'm just as pragmatic; i'm not warped in my bubble dreams. i know too well that if i don't get where i want to be, i'll still survive, and i'll just do something else. (and i sure as hell don't need wet blankets to shower me with cynical comments, thankyouverymuch.) but i won't forgive myself if i don't at least try my very best to achieve them. everything else will fall into place. :)

now... where was i? oh, yes. live life to the fullest (heck it's even on my blog header! yeah babeh! :D) and don't leave any regrets. now stop reading and go live your life already! :P

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