it was a stormy night, in a dark room where only silhouettes of a man with white lab coat and the other wearing checkered robe smoking a pipe were seen, the lab coat guy was explaining to the other that he had an incurable brain tumor and he had at most 2 months' time to live. the news wasn't received quite well and it ended with a bullet in the doc's head. it felt like one of the scenes in the italian mob stories we see on tv, aint it.
then someone in the family gave birth to a bunch of hair. not like hair balls that were disgusting or unkempt but the long black silky hair that every girl desired. and it's not attached to anything, i had no idea how it stayed so neat and untangled. all i knew was that it had magical powers because it talked to us! imagine a bunch of neat shoulder length - but which by no means was attached to any head - hair, talking to us, telling us that soon there'll be people coming after us because of 'it'. because they wanna capture 'it'. apparently because 'it' was supposed to be some mystical creature that's worth a lot or can perform some magic.
The Hair told us that it's going to help us get away from the 'bad guys', so it gave us instructions to escape. first we were outside some national park of some sort, we gotta board a bus to somewhere. managed to get them off our back for a while, but when we were at the beach - the sight was familiar, felt like we were at the Esplanade in Penang - watching over the sunset, and just as we were enjoying our moments of peaceful bliss, we had to be on a run again. stupid minions of some mob boss arrghh. :< (had a feeling these people were sent by the mob boss who had the brain tumor.) so we ran and ran and came to a subway station like those in NYC. (so strange eh). gunshots were heard, somehow there were endless flights of stairs to run, and it was just annoying, it slowed us down so much and having to carry a bunch of hair with sweaty hands is not easy!! (thank god we weren't running up the stairs though) finally we got rid of them and went into this imperial-palace-themed hotel that looked exactly like one of those you saw in the chinese series. you know, with the hand-carved wooden doors and windows.
thought we were safe, but then the Hair wasn't talking to us anymore. what the heck happened we were all panicky and trying to shake 'it' and tried to make it speak to us again. nothing worked, until one of us decided that it might need some sorta nutrition/moisture if it were some kinda living thing. so we soaked 'it' in a basin of water and kept it overnight. the next day when we checked the basin the hair was gone, only to be replaced by a furby!!!! a brown one, to be exact. :) and the first thing the furby said to us was: "TOOK YOU GUYS LONG ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT I NEED NUTRITION!!" omg at this point nothing was making much sense i was getting more and more confused. but before i got to sort things out, the mob boss' minions busted through the hotel door and that's it. we were all captured. ahhh fuck.
we were taken to this extremely vast garage that had nothing but a chair for each of us, and if i weren't mistaken there were 5 of us, plus Furby. mob boss appeared in his red checkered robe, as imagined, and his pipe in one hand. he was wearing sunglasses, but i swear i could feel the vengeance from his stares. he told us that we had to solve a challenge and if failed to do so we'd all have to die. if succeeded in solving the puzzle then we could live. but the challenge itself was so tough that it was almost impossible to solve, and i thought to myself: i've just received my death sentence. :/ i refused to continue the dream and figure out how to solve the puzzle so i forced myself to wake up.
there you go. my night-long adventure with the hair/furby and my near death encounter. thank god it was only a dream. why are all my dreams so strange!??!!
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