See how they run, See how they run!
They all ran after the farmer's wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
As three blind mice?
Now I'm gonna be the big time composer and change the lyrics:
Three dead mice, Three dead mice,
See how they die, See how they die,
They all were robbed of the oxygen
And have their abdomen tore apart
For the better of human race, Or so they say!
See how they die, See how they die,
They all were robbed of the oxygen
And have their abdomen tore apart
For the better of human race, Or so they say!
I'd have taken pictures for you to see, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me (what's new eh). So I stood there mesmerized by my labmate cutting up 3 mice to obtain their peritoneal cells and splenocytes for our hybridoma lab. Won't go into details and bore you all to sleep, but basically we want to make hybrid cells of out of myeloma cells and splenocytes. This animal tissue culture class is so fun, but there's a price to pay - we get a lot of heat from the professor too. My my, Dr. Pal.. he doesn't go easy on us at all. Anyway, back to this lab, it was cruel though. That's what I felt. They weren't even fed before they were killed! They were taken from their lovely cage, threw into the plastic bag, and murdered via carbon dioxide asphyxiation. When the gas were pumped into the bag, you can see them struggling. Struggling so hard to breathe you even see them pee and shit. How so very cruel. : (
God help me, I don't wanna work in a lab that kills mice every day for "the better of mankind". Can't take it, I just can't. I'd rather see a person being cut open in a surgical theater. Poor animals, they just don't deserve it. No, they absolutely don't. The world is a screwed up place. Eeek.
"I'd rather see a person being cut open in a surgical theater. Poor animals, they just don't deserve it." i wonder wat u're getting at ;p but gotta say, i do agree-- depending on whether u plan to stitch up the person afterwards *muahahaha*
darling jun: you know exactly what i'm getting at. :P
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