
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Streets of Fog City

City in black and white. At first look, doesn't it bring you back to the olden days when pictures are captured in gradients of black and white only? Ahh but of course, at that time, there wouldnt be sleek cars as such existing at all.. The black-and-white doesnt really fit in this pic's context eh. Anyhow I still like how it turned out. =)

The memorial statue (pic) celebrating Admiral Dewey's victory over Spanish Navy during the Spanish American war is situated right at the center of Union Square. In fact, the square itself is named to commemorate the United States Civil war, and has retained its role as "the 'heart' of San Francisco, serving as the site of many public concerts, impromptu protests, speeches by visiting dignitaries, and the annual Christmas tree." The picture below is Union Square at night.

A narrow street off the main roads. And the high-rise buildings in the city. Something you can't see in Pomona. =) And something that reminds me of home. Only the fog makes it more mysterious than ever. As if it's so unreal. It's there, it's not there. It's there, it's not there. It's there? It's not there?? (Think: the Chipsmore advert in Msia. Well if you're born late you might not recall that advert.)
And here you have another view of Union Square together with the underground parking lot. Ahaha, and me with the umbrella... buatan Msia. =) Courtesy of Brandon who took this pic.

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