Kids are a burden to parents, arent they? When they're babies, they need to be taken care of, day and night. Changing nappies, cleaning up after they pooped, waking up in the middle of the night when they cry, when they're hungry. Then the kindergarten years, and then the teen years. Teenagers need even more attention. Rebelious period. Soon it's time to worry bout their sexual curiosity, educating them what's right and what's not, praying hard they wont 'accidentally' become a parent themselves, subconsciously wishing they arent so attractive so that they wouldnt indulge in sexual activities too early.
After that, it's the adolescent years and then becoming adults. Quarter life crisis, self discovery, self identity. Truth is, everyone of all ages face lots of problems and would get in quite a number of troubles. And being a parent means having this constant worry bout their kid twenty-four-seven. Above all the trivial things to worry about, they worry most if their kid's life is gonna be threatened. Would they be the next rape victim? Kidnapped? Killed in accidents? Just disappeared? Anythg could happen in this horrifying world, especially with terrorism escalating in all parts of the world.
This concern of their kid starts right from the moment the child is born, and will last till he/she dies ('he/she' refers to either the parents or the kid). And it could be terribly burdensome.
So then here's my question. Why? Why have kids at all?? I dont understand.
I'm sorry to have caused trouble and heart-ache to my parents, sometimes I just couldnt help thinking why I'd even existed in the first place. It'd have saved them lots of trouble, heartache (and money tooo!!). And I wonder too, if I ever wanna have my own kids....
don't forget about the happiness parents gain too!
well, must tell me what is going on next time when we meet. gambate and smile always!~
with love,
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