Lately the hot topic talked about by almost everyone while sipping coffee in the late afternoon or yumcha-ing at mamak stalls late into the night is of course none other than 'The Bald Experience'.
Indeed. What were the officers thinking when they shaved the senior citizens' head botak? Since when is it a crime to have a little get-together, gamble a bit, amuse oneself with a bit of gambling?? These officers who should have better things to do - like, catching more serious criminals of murder, rape, theft and burglary - raided a small coffee shop instead, got 11 seniors to the balai, had their heads completely shaven, and took it as a job well done. All these for a few ringgits' worth of gamble, while the psychopaths and thieves walk away as if they owned the whole world! What a ridicule they're making of themselves!! What, they think ppl are gonna say, "oh my god what a good job they've done... such a small group of ppl playing mahjong also they can detect..hmm wahh.. ho liao lohh"??? They must be out of their mind.
Yet we can't help but wondering, is this some sort of racial discrimination? Some sort of action done to show their dissatisfaction because of some reason? For we all know, in all parts of the world, there exist some conservative and extreme ppl who couldn't catch up with times blooming with globalization and stood firm where things were once simple and clear; where black is black and white is white; where one location belongs completely to only one race or clan. And so they fought back in a more subtle way.
But of course. All these are just our own analyses, our views. They could be just doing it because it's so much easier to chase after a thief or cracking their head to bust down a criminal syndicate. Or it could be that racial issue. Or they really thought they're doing an excellent job. But if it really were the last reason, then they seriously should reconsider their priorities.
And if it's for the racial reason, I think they've gone a bit too far. Let's face it - deep down inside us, we all know that we are a teeny weeny bit racist ourselves, due to our loyalty upon our own skin color, dialects, and mother tongue. So sometimes its normal to gossip a bit among friends and family bout other races, or give good stuff to your own race instead of others. But this is too much. Dont think Allah will think of them as loyal either.
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