
Saturday, October 19, 2013

For Serious Coffee Lovers

Here's the trailer for a documentary film about coffee. Film to be coming soon, so it says on the website. Looking forward to it.

If I failed to graduate med school, or god forbid something happened to me and I couldn't be a doctor due to physical disabilities (pei pei pei!!!), OR maybe when I retire (lol haven't even started working and here I am talking about retirement! /rolleyes), I'd be a connoisseur of coffee, traveling around the world with just me and myself, tasting coffee from all corners of the world and enjoy the simple life. Mmmm yesssss…

Sometimes I feel all I need to make me happy is just a good cup of coffee. Sometimes. Right now though I could use an extra brain.

Anyway. Enjoy the teaser, you coffee lovers! And if it's screening here in KL, let me know if you wanna watch it with me. :)

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