
Saturday, September 28, 2013


How did a whole month pass by without me noticing? No, actually.. scratch that. I did notice it passing by, it's just at the speed of light I felt like I'm playing catch-up with my workload all the time, and I just had to sacrifice the time used to read and write. So many of the funny little things my groupmates and I did or said that I wanted to write down, but alas by the time I get home all the energy mustered up is only enough for me to do the bare minimum. How do the other people do this? Perhaps it's about getting used to it, and I'm still at the stage of adapting to this kind of lifestyle. Weekends are the best- they're used to recharge, and catch up on the forever-piling work that needs to be done or read. If only I could have extra hours to use. Or that I could stop time and finish all my reading before I let the time resume its ticking. Wishful thinking. Vaguely remember I wanted to comment on how the government don't allow Chin Peng's ashes to be returned to Malaysia. It's old news now, but I think whoever's against it shouldn't hold grudges on a dead person. Whatever it is, what's in the past is gone, why so much hatred and contempt on someone who is now only an urn of ashes? The argument about him being a prominent Communist party leader back then and that he has hurt our countrymen so badly and scarred them so much that he should be unforgivable really does not hold, especially when he is dead. Besides, if we can forgive the Japanese for coming to our country and harming us the way they did, why not this guy, who only fought for what he believed in but loved this country all the same? It's all politics at the end of the day, and sometimes I really just wanna push everything out of my mind and not think about it. Resorting to escapism. Yes. Whatevs. Right now I have tons of reading, a presentation tomorrow that I haven't prepared, and an exam on Tuesday that I need to get to. Adios. Till the next post! 

LOL. That's how we all look like at the end of the day.

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