
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ruminating Psyche

That's what I'll be doing for the next few weeks.

No, not really. Not so much of rumination, I don't think, but a lot of other stuff. I was told we'll be seeing patients with all sorts of psychiatric problems- it'll be interesting! Can't wait, even though a part of me is nervous about starting my first rotation in psychiatry. Psych, of all rotations! They say it can be mentally draining, and I'm sure they're right. But this is what we've all been waiting for- to learn at the bedside, to speak with patients, to try to understand them and their diseases, and to talk to them hoping that our words may provide some sort of comfort. Now that it's happening, I really don't care which rotation I'm starting with.

Tomorrow we will begin our day with ward rounds with the care team. The hospital I used to visit with my grandmother when I was a small girl seemed to have changed so much. I don't remember much of it, but the fragments that I do remember, I can't find them there anymore, except for the distinct smell of a hospital. In a way, it's not a bad thing to have little to no memory about the place, because then I can build new ones without having anything else shadowing it. This will be my new 'home' for the next year, and we'll see how it goes.

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