
Saturday, October 27, 2012

October Rain

The sky was a perfect shade of blue, until it started raining. October is a wet, wet month- Makes me don't feel like blogging. Okay fine, that's an excuse. I was just being lazy. And since I'm still lazy to write, I'll just post some pictures to fill the void. :P

Our yoga sessions in class.

See the matching mats with our shirts? So well-coordinated! :)

Mooncake festival at school. Never too old for lanterns. *a-hem*

Nezar and Rinugah's birthday celebration. Rinugah's busy cutting cake haha.

Neuroscience professors and a thank-you cake from Dr. Nicole. That's a brain, if you're wondering. :) 

Group photo with NSS team. 

Group photo 2. 

This was Edna's surprise birthday cake. She wasn't surprised by our surprise though. /fail. 
For Mior's birthday though, we managed to surprise him! But no pictures taken because I was busy with the surprise cake etc. 

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