
Friday, April 02, 2010

Dance Party Project: Last 9 Days

a continuation of concise few-liners summarizing each of the last 9 days of ideas. and a little bit of my thoughts.

22: the stainless steel rat (the movie) - the film adaptation of 'The Stainless Steel Rat' books by Harry Harrison. the science fiction series revolves around the hero "Slippery Jim", a con artist, who is himself conned into working for the government to catch his own kind. hahaha. somehow it reminds me of Quentin Tarantino's kind of movie.

23: wordpress bandcampify template - the idea is to incorporate bandcamp into wordpress, making it extra user-friendly for musicians to blog and share their music. i'm no coder, so i can't really say much. wished i were a musician though. *wishful thinking*

24: rollercoasters as public transport - you know how when you go to those huge theme parks and they have the rides that bring you from the parking lot right to the entrance? this is basically the same idea, except i don't think it's very realistic to really be used as a public transport in a city. fun idea though! :)

25: next-gen personalized music radio - the title is pretty much self-explanatory, you make a radio station that identifies your current favorite songs you've pre-selected and play songs according to the mood of your selected songs. sounds like some form of AI i suppose. if you're interested in creating something like that, you should definitely check out the original post.

26: new music trust - another one for people in the music industry, to establish a sustainable foundation to support, foster and create new music and new artists.

27: tamagotchi gardening - this idea makes me smile. brought me back to the days when my brother secretly bought a tamagotchi pet and we'd feed it and take care of it secretly. :D well this one is the pretty much the same idea except its for gardening. so you can tend a garden, dig it over, choose what to plant, care for it, water it, and reap the rewards. sounds like fun. anyone wanna take this idea? i'll play! ;P

28: charity shop clothing subscription - an online subscription service that sends you a parcel of great clothes in your size every month. read it for more details. IMHO, the idea seems great, except i'd prefer to be the person subscribing, rather than the person who creates and manages this service. :D

29: 'now playing' social music app - an app for you to follow people and know what they're listening to. kinda like twitter except you're not looking at their 140-character tweets but they're 'now-playing' music.

30: house of spare ideas - the last of the 30-day of ideas? a website to host more ideas for people to pick up and execute. a great idea to wrap up the whole list. ;)

so that's the end of the 30-days of ideas by Andrew Dubber. it was fun following the stream of thoughts/ideas from a person. :) now it's time for our first-follower crew to start working on our 30-day projects and hopefully by the time Andrew's numberless calendar app is ready to launch, i'll be all geared up to fire away my 30-day project. if any of you would like to do work on a 30-day project of your own, stay tuned! :)  i assure you, if you stick through your own project you'd feel a huge sense of gratification and accomplishment. ;) it really could be anything at all. so.. join me? :)

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