
Friday, November 30, 2007

Virus Induced Panic Attack

its 5.35am. slept off during group discussion, and my fellow friends nicely didn't bother waking me up. how thoughtful. -_- had 2 pieces of choc that're way tooooo sweet for my liking, trying to resist the urge of calculating how many Calories i just consumed, predicting i've just shortened my life by 134.78 days thanks to them.. and now i'm making a pot of 6-cup coffee to keep me up and going all the way till 4pm later.

heavily caffeinated trying to absorb every information i can. all the DNAs and RNAs and viruses running in my mind playing Catch, goddamnit. remind me why i took this class again?! because i have no recall whatsoever. sighhhhh the decisions people make when they took the overconfidence pill. now bear with the consequences you silly girl! (urgghh and now i'm talking to meself ... -.-'')

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