
Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Scene In My Head

A conversation between Emma Frost and I in my head... parts of it possibly has taken place, but it happened so often The Brain thinks of it unconsciously whenever It's not occupied. A scene replaying itself.. looping again and again. Thought it should be written down for the sake of laughter in the far future, so that 40 years later when we look back we'd have tales to tell our grandkids (hopefully). =P Here goes.

me: ehhh xander talked to me in class today.... [in a cheeky smile-playful eyes-and-teasing tone way] he wore a checked shirt today.. so cute. *sticks tongue out*

emma: *horror look on face* [with a half-smile and lightened tone] zhen!!! babi punya zhen! you bitch! stay away from him arrr i tell you!!! keep your hands off him arrr i warn you!! he's mine!!!

me: [periodic giggles due to asthmatic coughs] oh and he asked me how i'm feeling and told me to rest well. said i could borrow his notes for class haha..

emma: *exaggerated gasps* [slaps my arm, then got hold of my arm and shook hard] noooooo..!!! how could you do this to me?? wanna cry already.. you heartless hoe you...

me: [uncontrollable laughs whilst catching breaths in between] no lahhh just kiddin'.. reckon he's a fruitcake... whaddaya think..?

emma: aihhhh fruitcake also boh point... he never even looked at me once... boh liao zhen, boh liao... so sad.. [shakes head dramatically flinging the long hair sideways proudly]

me: what to do... wait lerr.. one day prince charming will be here.. hopefully..

emma: [takes out comb to comb hair] *changes conversation*

Sidenote: Names used here are fictional for the privacy of the involved individuals.


BaSsiSt said...

hmm..emma again eh? LOls

taleanski said...

hmmm? im confused.. have i used 'emma' before? dont think i did!!! why do u say 'again'?