
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Dr. Pal My Hero

He asks why do you have to beat around the bush and give a darn technical answer to a straight-forward question when you can well explain it in the simplest manner and make everyone understand you... though he did it in a much crude way, by using the funniest analogy.
He thinks about culturing lobster muscle fibroblast on a gigantic plate so that it's possible for people like him and me won't have to go through all that trouble peeling off the shells.
He links fasting, Ramadan and how you'll have to eat a lot at 5 in the morning so that you can last the whole day to how we have to feed our culture every other day so that they won't die..
He talks about his life, how he got here from India, how he struggled, worked hard and met so many Nobel Laureates.
He has the funkiest indian accent and speaks rather slowly...
He makes the darnest jokes ever..
He makes fun of students... though unintentionally..
He passes comments with the darkest sarcasm that stabs right into your heart..
But once you get past the fact that he doesn't mean it personally, you'll find everything he says rather entertaining and funny... in its own unique way...
He's one of those unique personalities, you'd either like or hate him.
He's the only one of his kind, he has personality. And I like people with personalities.
Hence the title. :)

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