'twas a spontaneous thing. A friend asked if I'd wanna go with her and her friends, and I said okay. :) Turned out to be one of my best times, cuz I met quite a few good people and made a few good friends. The kind whom you know you keep for life. :)

After almost 4 hours of driving, we're finally there!! They've been there several times so it's nothing new to them. But to me it's the first time ever so I was pumping with energy! woohooo~ feel like jumping up and down like hot beans getting burned on the heating pan!! :D But of course I didn't do that. don't know them that well yet so me thinks me should maintain my composure. but inside i feel like dancing and prancing around. :)

Luanne, Chia, Sophie, Kelly and Fatty (the one with the green cap). :) Our first buffet, at Wynn. Think we were there for close to 5 hours. heeee. the guys couldn't understand how we can eat so much and be there for so long. well of course we didn't eat for the whole 5 hours *duh*!!! There were intermissions i.e. restroom breaks, and also talking gossiping and sharing stories. :) When you find the right clique, time flies by just like that you wouldn't even notice you've talked for so long. And trust me you burn calories talking too. ;P

This is us. More people came later, but I just realized they didn't take any picture with us at all!!! What a pity! Oh well. There's always the next time. :P

By the time we got out from the buffet place, it was evening already. This is Wynn, where we had our 1st buffet. Loved the fresh smoked salmon, and the creme brulee. Good food, good company, what more can anyone ask for?! :)
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