
Friday, June 01, 2007


So yesterday I was watching CNN Newsroom while having breakfast, and they featured some nursing home giving out Ipods for centenarians on their hundredth birthday! How cool is that! And by that I don't mean how cool it is for the nursing home to give out Ipods, but rather - the hundred years old grandpas and grandmas using Ipod! I was dazzled by what I saw on TV I think I actually gaped at what I just witnessed for a full minute!

Then the news reporter went on to talk about how times have changed and how these people managed to catch up with the change, some of them are use the Internet, some even blog! While some go out for a cup of coffee at Starbucks occasionally! I know I talked bout VNRs and fake news and all that a while back, and they could be just advertising Ipods and whatnot, but I do believe that there are actually old people like them who do those stuff.

Then again, people like my grandma would probably think it's a darn waste of money! There's once my mom and I brought her to Robert Harris in 1U for coffee. So she asked, how much is a cup of coffee. We told her its about 8 Ringgit (which is almost 3 bucks USD). And boy did she freak out!! 'twas hilarious to look at how she reacted! The memories were as fresh as the cow dung 100 feet away from my apartment! (Okay... probably not a good analogy, but you get what I mean :P) Grandma said, man its so expensive come I'd rather bring my own 3-in-1 coffee sachet the next time and ask them for hot water; you guys can order whatever you want, I'm not paying that much for just a small cuppa!!! To which my mom replied, but ma you AREN'T paying! I am! Then she went, Still....

Ain't my grandma cute?! I think she absolutely is. :) I miss her.

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