
Monday, January 08, 2007

Mojave Part 3

Yay! And this was the 2nd morning! Despite only getting three hours of sleep, I felt energetic and refreshed. Must be the absence of neon lights, car honkings, phones ringing and TV! : ) Aaah let's stretch our limbs.. and fingers. heh. Was asking Paul to do the peace sign, commonly known to them as 'the asian thing'. Roy gave me a dirty look, disapproving me of doing that 'act cute' gesture. But my logic is, hey why not, its fun! and funny tooo! But most of all, if americans or westerners in general start doing that too then it wont be an asian thing anymore! It'll be a global thing!! =) Why do people always have to categorize every friggin' thing? Compartmentalize people according to their races or places of origin, to name a few. Why? See Paul did a good job with the peace sign, didnt he? And everyone laughed. :) I love listening to laughters. Warms my heart. :)
And how can we leave the place without any of these close-up smiling pictures??? I just realized we all have nice teeth, dont you think?!And this is Vincent, or Vicente in Spanish. Vinny for short. :) Isn't the name itself so adorable already? He's the fox with grey hair on his back. Lucky we got a good shot of him! Gotta get some unfinished business done before we left. Bury some stuff... No, it's not Vinny's leftover bones!! We werent so barbaric. It's some treasure thingy in a box for geo-caching purpose. Then we have to save the exact location of it, upload it to the web so that people can actually come and search for it. So cool eh. Global treasure hunt. :)
Then we drove to some volcanic site... Memory ain't serving me well and I just cant recall where was it anymore. But we did climb up a bit and then get back down to take this group photo! Can you spot me? I feel like everyone's just there as backdrop while the supermodel is Roy. Check out his pose!! The sole guy who stood out.. :P
Some cars couldnt drive all the way up some lava site, so we packed ourselves in this truck! :) Very fun.. and bumpy!
Oh look... it's cactus! Or not.. I don't really know but Roy told me it is. So cactus it is then! :) This is Richard, trying out the peace pose tooo!! See, now it aint so "asian" anymore, ay? ;)

Going in the lava underground hole, whatever you call it... But basically these are the routes where the hot volcanic magma rushed through and pushed itself out of the ground and came out as lava. That's me going in and Roy' s butt in front of me.. :P
The rays of sunlight shining in from one of the top holes...
The last group picture before we left the site. :) Everyone's happy. Yay.

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