
Friday, December 22, 2006

Day 2, Gingerbread Story

So the 2nd part of Day 1 was not that great, well for some of us anyway. After the long walk, we went back to hostel, rest, and headed out for dinner. Due so some misunderstanding, somehow we ended up in a super expensive restaurant and the food was really only normal. We're paying for the live jazz music, which I personally enjoyed a lot. But I have to say, it wasnt a wise choice to go there since we're on a budget vacation. Chean paid friggin $6.50 for a glass of iced lemon tea, shocked the hell out of her!! But anyway, what's done is done, I had a good time overall. :)

Then on Day 2, as you can see from the picture, we're geared to cycle from Fisherman's Wharf all the way across Golden Gate Bridge. How cool is that huh?! ;) But of course, before our expedition, I need my caffeine dose, and I grabbed the cute little Gingerbread Man to go as well. Hahahaha. He has a life span of probably a few more hours before being devoured. muahahahaha. XD *evil grin* So before we start the journey, lets take more picture with Mr. Gingerbread eh?!

After 2-3 hrs of cycling, we finally reached Sausalito. In a cafe called Trieste, there's where Gingerbread Man saw the last of daylight. Farewell, Mr. Gingerbread, you've served your purpose well. Thanks. =)

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