
Sunday, December 31, 2006

All-in-One Post

So where was I? Ahhh yes, San Francisco memo.. Right. Well then, on Saturday 16 Dec we're back to the 'wonderful' uni village where you occasionally get the smell of freshly baked dungs of the rabbits. Really wasnt so happening for the next couple of days, not even my birthday. If I told you what I did on that day, you'd say I have no life. Which is true, in some ways. But I enjoyed the serenity in my unit. It's just me.. and the TV. Nothing particularly interesting to watch, but I left it on anyway just for the background noice. And I sat in front of it with a book and a cuppa hot choc.
But at 12am that night, friends came over with a pie from Marie Callender's. So sweet of them. And Sheena and Ida baked cupcakes for me too! So the girls and Roy stayed and chatted till 5am!!! I only woke up at 1:30pm!! So there you go. Uneventful bday. Mentally reminded myself that from 2007 onwards I'm gonna tell anyone who asked that I'm 21 yrs old. :P hahahah forever young. well. That's if they believe...
On Christmas eve, uneventful as well... Chean baked cinammon bread and Roy came over. Vinod, Fahmi, Sheena, Chean and myself went to Brea Downtown for Starbucks at night. And Sheena made us some very delectable roast chicken and mashed potatoes! That's bout it for Chirstmas.
Ahh on the 26th! Aunt Jamie and her mom brought over some asam laksa for us! Loved it!!!!!You have absolutely no idea how much I've been craving for it man.
27th Wed - Chean and I finally went for the written test at DMV for the driving permit.. at long last, after weeks of procrastination. yay!
28th Thurs - TPM juniors finally got here. made them welcoming dinner. nothing fancy just sandwiches hotdogs etc.
29th Fri - Went to Universal Studios with aunt Jamie and her family. Then had dinner at 'Penang'. Food there wasnt extremely superb but anythg that's similar to Msian food works just as well, for someone who hasn't had any since September (which wasnt too long ago, but still.. feels like ages okayyy).
30th Sat - Well this day I wanted to meet up with Bee Shin actually, somewhere in LA. Then Paul happened to be here so Jess Chean and I went to LA without knowing exactly where to go. On our way to Little Tokyo I called up Bee Shin to find out where to meet her (& her friends). Somehow we got lost on our way there and ended up in some beach near Santa Monica. So spontaneity kicked in and we went down to the beach, took crazy pics, had some drinks and snacks and left to Hollywood to meet Bee Shin! Fun. Then I parted ways with jessoms and gang, hanged out with Bee Shin, had dinner and they sent me home. And you would've thought that's it my day was over. But NO! The night's still young!! Heh we decided to go to Paul's house in San Diego, which is like 2 hrs drive away or more. Got there at bout 1am, watched a korean movie before hitting the bed. aaahhh what a day!
31st Sun - Nothing much, I'll post up the pictures to speak for itself. Had lotsa fun. =) And that's the end of 2006. All in all, a great year. Never been happier. :)

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