
Monday, December 04, 2006

Symptoms of The Sleep-Deprived

Laugh/giggling away for no reasons
Legs wobbling
Hands shaking
Heartbeat racing (most likely due to heavily-caffeinated bloodstream)
Stomach palpating like a second heart
Eyes half closed
Dreamy look
Feel drunk

That's what I'm experiencing right now. I have one more paper to sit for at 3.50pm later. Don't think I can walk straight. By right I should be worrying. Yet all i feel like doing is laugh. hahahaha. Insanity.

I just wanna get it over and done with. Please please let me ace the paper... SOMEHOW.

1 comment:

藍雨 said...


I have the same feeling before the exam (especially final) always. Touture a lot.

Exam over faster ba, have fun ^^