
Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm mugging for my midterms on tuesday and wednesday and i cant remember when was the last time i sat on the chair for so many hours in one go that i reckon my ass is gonna grow roots to the chair and my eyes are gonna pop out any minute now. *pop* O_o

Right now i have a sudden crave of asam laksa. How?! Let's just look at pictures and droool...

I think the first pic looked more appetizing (pics stolen from other ppl's sites).
Plans for holiday - try cooking asam laksa! heh. i want i want i want.!!!


藍雨 said...

Seriously, I'm laughing while reading this, laughing non-stop, pity girl~~XD


hopefully your asam laksa wont ruin your holidays =P

Anonymous said...

arrgghh...... woman!!! must you do that to me when I am hungry!!!!!!!!!

Brandon Tan said...

OMG!! count me in man!!!! I'll cut all d stuff for u!

taleanski said...

hey rainny... i really really want asam laksa loh. but cant get all the ingredients here. i asked dee. :(

Min! dont worry, as soon as i successfully make an asam-laksa lookalike, i'll save u some! ;)

brandon, sure thing! :) cant wait!!