
Monday, July 10, 2006

Mom Not Around

Yesterday mom went to Port Dickson. For work, I think... some conference, not sure. So she'll be gone till Thursday night.

So this morning I had to wake up extra early. 5.45am to be exact. Why? Because my lil precious brother has to go to school and I have to make him breakfast. -.- Dont "awww you're such a sweet sis" me. I mean, I dont mind doing it. But then I dont really have a choice too. And if mom was around, I dont think I'd volunteer to wake up that early every day to make him oats. So I'm not such a sweet sis afterall... -_-

And mom not around also means all the house chores would fall on my shoulders. So tonight I have to cook dinner. mommmyyyyy.... come back quick! My mom, she's such a great woman!!!

Okie dokie. Write more later. =) Good morning!!!

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