
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Times Like These

An outstretched hand in a pitch-black room is still nothing. A beautiful lady with a perfect body, standing naked in the pitch-black room is still nothing (provided you dont know she's there lah that is). With no light, no matter how beautiful anythg is in that room, you still cant see it. You still won't be able to appreciate it.

Likewise - No matter how well-prepared you are for an exam, or how much you've studied for it, or how sure you are that you know the material, if you didnt do well on that exam day... it all means nothing. Zip. Nada. All your hardwork down the drain. Just because of some stupid reasons you cant even explain, that made you do what you've done even though deep down you somehow know it's not the right way.

What makes things worse is when you needed to talk to somebody - anyone at all, hoping that there's someone who would just listen to anythg you wanna say, and not say or comment on it, most important of all, not judge on you - there's none at all. The only faithful companion is your shadow. Sometimes I can't help but wonder - If shadows do have a choice to be separated from oneself, would mine actually run away from me??!

Truth be told, there're actually very very few good listeners who exist. Everyone has their own problems; everyone can't stop thinking bout themselves. What's that word again - Egocentricism. Indeed. Who has the time to stop and listen to other's problems when they are so occupied bout themselves. It is quite sad, if you think about it.

Times like these - you'll find that writing is the best therapy. Correction - Blogging is the best therapy. You get to write and rant and rave bout all your thoughts and problems and there are actually people reading them. (well even if no one reads it, you're still under the impression that it's being read!) So many bloggers sprouting all over the world every single day, for one very obvious reason - everyone yearns to be heard.

Times like these, you'd feel ever so lonely. The world is a cold cold place.

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